path: root/Examples/AnimExample.c
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'Examples/AnimExample.c')
1 files changed, 129 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Examples/AnimExample.c b/Examples/AnimExample.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..28d5357
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Examples/AnimExample.c
@@ -0,0 +1,129 @@
+ AnimExample.c - A simple DPaint animation player by Christian A. Weber.
+ This program is in the public domain, use and abuse at your own risk.
+ Requires the iff.library in the LIBS: dircetory. Compiles with
+ Lattice C V5.04 (LC -v -L AnimExample), should also work with Manx.
+#include <exec/types.h>
+#include <graphics/gfxbase.h>
+#include <intuition/intuition.h>
+#include <libraries/iff.h> /* Our iff header file */
+struct Library *IntuitionBase,*IFFBase, *OpenLibrary();
+struct GfxBase *GfxBase;
+struct NewScreen ns =
+ (STRPTR)"Anim Player Example by Christian A. Weber", NULL, NULL
+struct Screen *screen1,*screen2, *OpenScreen();
+ULONG *ifffile;
+void SetOverscan(screen) /* Adjust the screen position for overscan */
+register struct Screen *screen;
+ register WORD cols,rows,x=screen->Width,y=screen->Height;
+ register struct ViewPort *vp=&(screen->ViewPort);
+ cols = GfxBase->NormalDisplayColumns>>1;
+ rows = GfxBase->NormalDisplayRows; if(rows>300) rows>>=1;
+ x -= cols; if(vp->Modes & HIRES) x -= cols;
+ y -= rows; if(vp->Modes & LACE) y -= rows;
+ x >>=1; if(x<0) x=0; y >>=1; if(y<0) y=0; if(y>32) y=32;
+ if(vp->Modes & HAM) /* Correct overscan HAM color distortions */
+ {
+ if(GfxBase->ActiView->DxOffset-x < 96)
+ x=GfxBase->ActiView->DxOffset-96;
+ }
+ vp->DxOffset = -x; vp->DyOffset = -y;
+ MakeScreen(screen); RethinkDisplay();
+void Fail(text) /* Print error message, free resources and exit */
+char *text;
+ printf("%s, IFFError = %ld\n",text,IFFError());
+ if(ifffile) CloseIFF(ifffile);
+ if(screen1) CloseScreen(screen1);
+ if(screen2) CloseScreen(screen2);
+ if(IFFBase) CloseLibrary(IFFBase); /* MUST ALWAYS BE CLOSED !! */
+ CloseLibrary(IntuitionBase);
+ CloseLibrary(GfxBase);
+ exit(0);
+void main(argc,argv)
+int argc;
+char **argv;
+ register LONG count,i,delay;
+ register ULONG *form,*loopform;
+ struct BitMapHeader *bmhd;
+ UWORD colortable[128];
+ if((argc != 4) || !strcmp(argv[1],"?")) {
+ printf("Format: %s filename <delaytime> <# of loops>\n",argv[0]);
+ exit(20);
+ }
+ GfxBase = (struct GfxBase *)OpenLibrary("graphics.library",0L);
+ IntuitionBase = OpenLibrary("intuition.library",0L);
+ if(!(IFFBase = OpenLibrary(IFFNAME,IFFVERSION))) {
+ printf("Copy the iff.library to your LIBS: directory!\n");
+ exit(10);
+ }
+ if(!(ifffile=OpenIFF(argv[1]))) Fail("Error opening file");
+ form=ifffile+3; /* Skip FORM....ANIM */
+ if(ifffile[2] != ID_ANIM) Fail("Not an ANIM file");
+ if(!(bmhd=GetBMHD(form))) Fail("BitMapHeader not found");
+ ns.Width = bmhd->w;
+ ns.Height = bmhd->h;
+ ns.Depth = bmhd->nPlanes;
+ ns.ViewModes = GetViewModes(form);
+ if(!(screen1 = OpenScreen(&ns))) Fail("Can't open screen 1!");
+ if(!(screen2 = OpenScreen(&ns))) Fail("Can't open screen 2!");
+ SetOverscan(screen1); SetOverscan(screen2);
+ count = GetColorTab(form,colortable);
+ if(count>32L) count = 32L; /* Some HAM pictures have 64 colors ?! */
+ LoadRGB4(&(screen1->ViewPort),colortable,count);
+ LoadRGB4(&(screen2->ViewPort),colortable,count);
+ /* Decode and display the first frame: */
+ if(!DecodePic(form,&screen1->BitMap)) Fail("Can't decode picture");
+ DecodePic(form,&screen2->BitMap);
+ ScreenToFront(screen2);
+ if((delay=atol(argv[2])) > 1) Delay(delay);
+ /* Decode and display the second frame: copy and modify the first one */
+ form=FindChunk(ifffile+3,0L); /* First FORM containing a DLTA */
+ if(!ModifyFrame(form,&screen1->BitMap)) Fail("Can't decode frame");
+ ScreenToFront(screen1);
+ if(delay>1) Delay(delay);
+ loopform=FindChunk(form,0L); /* FORM to start loop at */
+ for(i=0; i<atol(argv[3]); ++i) /* Loop n times */
+ {
+ for(form=loopform; *form==ID_FORM; form=FindChunk(form,0L))
+ {
+ register struct Screen *dummy;
+ if(!ModifyFrame(form,&screen2->BitMap)) Fail("Can't decode frame");
+ dummy=screen1; screen1=screen2; screen2=dummy; /* Flip screens */
+ ScreenToFront(screen1);
+ if(delay>1) Delay(delay);
+ }
+ }
+ Fail("done"); /* Normal termination */