path: root/RawDoFmt.S
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Diffstat (limited to 'RawDoFmt.S')
1 files changed, 29 insertions, 22 deletions
diff --git a/RawDoFmt.S b/RawDoFmt.S
index 0a4818e..a491616 100644
--- a/RawDoFmt.S
+++ b/RawDoFmt.S
@@ -19,6 +19,9 @@
+ INCLUDE "relcustom.i"
XDEF RawDoFmtFunc,_RawPrintfFunc
RB_LEFTALIGNED: EQU 0 ; Flag-Definitionen
@@ -42,7 +45,7 @@ MainLoop: move.b (a4)+,d0 ; Nächstes Zeichen
beq.s Ende ; fertig --->
cmpi.b #'%',d0
beq.s DoFormat
-DirectOut: jsr (a2) ; Zeichen direkt ausgeben
+DirectOut: jsr (a2) ; Zeichen direkt ausgeben (schrottet d1)
bra.s MainLoop ; --->
Ende: jsr (a2) ; Endzeichen ausgeben
@@ -327,38 +330,42 @@ Filler: move.b #' ',d2 ; Füllcode: Space
* This function may be called at any time, including
* interrupts.
-* Bryce Nesbitt, 02-24-89
+* Bryce Nesbitt, 02-24-89, enhanced by CHW!
XDEF _RawPrintfFunc
-_RawPrintfFunc: movem.l a0/a1,-(SP)
- move.l 4*3(SP),A0 ;grab format string
- lea.l 4*4(SP),A1 ;grab stack address of parameters
- movem.l A2/A3/D0/D1,-(SP)
- lea.l PSCODE(pc),a2
- suba.l a3,a3
+_RawPrintfFunc: movem.l d0-d1/a0-a3,-(SP)
+ move.l 4*7(SP),a0 ; grab format string
+ lea 4*8(SP),a1 ; grab stack address of parameters
+ lea serputchar(pc),a2
+ lea custom,a3 ; will be available in serputchar
bsr RawDoFmtFunc
- movem.l (SP)+,D0/D1/A2/A3
- movem.l (SP)+,a0/a1
+ movem.l (SP)+,d0-d1/a0-a3
+ *** called by RawDoFmt, d0=char to write, a3=custom
+serputchar: tst.b d0
+ beq.s .ignore
+.wait: move.w serdatr(a3),d1 ; serdatr
+ btst #13,d1 ; transmit buffer empty?
+ beq.s .wait ; not yet ---> wait
-PSCODE: tst.b d0
- beq.s ignore
-1$ move.w $DFF018,d1 ;_serdatr
- btst #13,d1 ;TBE bit
- beq.s 1$
and.b #$7f,d1
- cmp.b #$18,d1 ;Check for CAN (^X)
- beq.s ignore
- cmp.b #$13,d1 ;Check for Xoff
- beq.s 1$
+ cmp.b #$18,d1 ; Check for CAN (^X)
+ beq.s .ignore
+ cmp.b #$13,d1 ; Check for Xoff
+ beq.s .wait ; --> wait
and.w #$ff,d0
- or.w #$100,d0
- move.w d0,$DFF030 ;_serdat
-ignore: rts
+ or.w #$100,d0 ; add stop bit
+ move.w d0,serdat(a3)
+ rts