path: root/FinalBooter.S
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'FinalBooter.S')
1 files changed, 312 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/FinalBooter.S b/FinalBooter.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..aa7f0c5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/FinalBooter.S
@@ -0,0 +1,312 @@
+** **
+** FinalBooter - Lädt und startet Exec. **
+** **
+** **
+** Modification History **
+** -------------------- **
+** **
+** 19-May-89 CHW Created this file from Auto/Start.S **
+** 04-Jun-89 CHW Testet jetzt ob RAMDisk vorhanden ist **
+** 20-Jun-89 CHW Unterstützt jetzt 1MB CHIP-RAM wenn man's hat **
+** 21-Jun-89 CHW ENV-Variable 'RAMDISKBASE' implementiert **
+** 27-Jun-89 CHW Converted to genim2 **
+** 24-Aug-89 CHW Disk-Version implemented **
+** 30-Aug-89 CHW Adapted from Start to FinalBooter **
+** 27-Nov-89 CHW Fast-RAM implemented **
+** 15-Dec-89 CHW Code cleaned up, setzt jetzt VBR auf 0 if 68010+ **
+** 28-Mar-90 CHW Abort springt nach ColdReset() statt $fc0002 **
+** 01-Mar-91 CHW Benutzt jetzt die System-Includefiles **
+** **
+ OPT O+,OW-,O5-
+ IDNT FinalBooter
+ INCLUDE "exec/types.i"
+ INCLUDE "exec/macros.i"
+ INCLUDE "exec/memory.i"
+ INCLUDE "exec/nodes.i"
+ INCLUDE "exec/ports.i"
+ INCLUDE "exec/io.i"
+ INCLUDE "exec/execbase.i"
+ INCLUDE "devices/trackdisk.i"
+ INCLUDE "graphics/rastport.i"
+ INCLUDE "hardware/custom.i"
+SUPERSTACK: EQU $80000-8 ; LONGWORD-aligned
+EXECTRACKS: EQU 3 ; Anzahl Tracks für Exec
+TRIALS: EQU 3 ; 3x versuchen pro Drive
+ XREF @Exit,_custom
+ XDEF @Main
+ DCB.B 8,0
+ DC.B "Copyright (c) 1988-1993 by "
+ DC.B "Christian A. Weber, Zürich, Switzerland. "
+ DC.B "All rights reserved.",0
+ DCB.B 6+8,0
+ *** Evtl. Warn-Requester ausgeben
+ subq.l #2,d0 ; CLI mit Args ?
+ bpl.b 1$ ; ja ---> no warning
+ bsr ShowWarning
+ beq.b .Exit ; Cancel --->
+ *** Globale Register initialisieren
+ movem.l InitRegs(PC),d5/d6/d7/a4/a5
+ movea.l 4,a6
+ *** Exec einladen
+ moveq #4*TRIALS-1,d4 ; Anzahl Versuche * Units -1
+ moveq #0,d3 ; Aktuelle Unit
+.ReadIt: bsr ReadExec ; Exec laden
+ bne.b .Okay ; OK --->
+ addq.w #1,d3 ; INC unit
+ andi.w #3,d3 ; immer rund herum
+ dbf d4,.ReadIt ; ---> Loop
+.Exit: moveq #20,d0 ; Error-Code
+ bra @Exit ; ---> Raus
+ *** System-Status für MyExec merken etc.
+ move.w AttnFlags(a6),d3 ; FÜR MYEXEC!
+ move.b VBlankFrequency(a6),d2 ; FÜR MYEXEC!
+ lea GfxName(PC),a1
+ JSRLIB OldOpenLibrary
+ movea.l d0,a0
+ move.w 164(a0),d4 ; FÜR MYEXEC!
+ *** Chip-RAM-Obergrenze ermitteln und nach A4
+MegaTest: lea $1000(a4),a1 ; SuperStack+$1000
+ JSRLIB TypeOfMem
+ andi.w #MEMF_CHIP,d0 ; auch Chip ?
+ beq.b 1$ ; Nein, nur 512K --->
+ adda.l #$10000,a4 ; 64K mehr
+ bra.b MegaTest ; Weiter probieren
+ *** Grössten Fast-RAM-Block reservieren und nach A2, Ende nach A3
+_getfast: suba.l a2,a2 ; Default: No FAST RAM
+ suba.l a3,a3 ; Grösse 0
+ JSRLIB AvailMem ; FAST-RAM-Grösse bestimmen
+ cmpi.l #300000,d0 ; genug damit sich's lohnt ?
+ blo.b 1$ ; nein --->
+ movea.l d0,a3 ; Size
+ moveq.l #MEMF_FAST,d1
+ JSRLIB AllocMem
+ movea.l d0,a2 ; A2: FastRAM-Base
+ adda.l d0,a3 ; A3: FastRAM-End
+ *** Supervisor-Mode, Interrupts sperren
+_supie: move.w d7,dmacon(a5)
+ move.w d7,intena(a5)
+ lea 1$(PC),a5
+ JSRLIB Supervisor
+1$: lea _custom,a5
+ move #$2700,sr
+ movea.l a4,SP ; SupieStack init
+ btst #AFF_68010,d3 ; 68010+ ?
+ beq.b 2$ ; nein --->
+ suba.l a0,a0
+ DC.L $4E7B8801 ; movec.l a0,vbr
+ *** MyExec installieren und starten
+_installexec: movea.l d5,a0 ; Source: Exec-Ladeadresse
+ suba.l a1,a1 ; Destination: 0
+ move.l d6,d0 ; ExecSize
+ ;; bra.b 2$ ; Für dbf, macht aber nix aus
+1$: move.b (a0)+,(a1)+
+2$: dbf d0,1$
+ move.l d3,d0 ; AttnFlags
+ move.l d4,d1 ; Bplcon0
+ move.l MyProduct(PC),d3 ; Von DiskMaker eingetragen
+ suba.l a0,a0 ; WICHTIG FüR CDISK !!
+ suba.l a1,a1 ; WICHTIG FüR CDISK !!
+ suba.l a4,a4
+3$: cmpi.l #INITMAGIC,(a4)
+ beq.b 4$
+ addq.l #2,a4 ; WORD-weise schreiten
+ bra.b 3$
+ move.l a4,d6 ; Adresse der Vektoren-4
+ add.l #$4ef80008,d6 ; JMP<<16+4+4 (=2. Einspr.)
+ move.l d6,ABORT ; JMP ColdReset().W
+ move.w #$000,color(a5)
+ jmp 4(a4) ; Tada! (=1. Einspr.)
+ *** IO-Request und Port initialisieren
+_initio: lea MyPort,a0 ; A0 : The Port
+ move.l ThisTask(a6),MP_SIGTASK(a0)
+ move.b #NT_MSGPORT,LN_TYPE(a0)
+ ;; move.b #PA_SIGNAL,MP_FLAGS(a0)
+ move.b #17,MP_SIGBIT(a0)
+ lea MyIO,a2 ; A2 : The IO-Request
+ move.b #NT_MESSAGE,LN_TYPE(a2)
+ move.w #IOSTD_SIZE,MN_LENGTH(a2)
+ move.l a0,MN_REPLYPORT(a2)
+ lea MP_MSGLIST(a0),a0 ; Die Message-Liste
+ move.l a0,LH_HEAD(a0) ; Macro NewList
+ addq.l #LH_TAIL,(a0)
+ ;; clr.l LH_TAIL(a0)
+ move.l a0,LH_TAILPRED(a0)
+ *** Trackdisk.device öffnen
+ move.l d3,d0 ; Unit number
+ moveq #0,d1 ; Flags
+ lea TrackDiskName(PC),a0
+ movea.l a2,a1 ; IOStdRequest Struktur
+ JSRLIB OpenDevice
+ tst.l d0 ; OK ?
+ bne.b .ReadError ; nein --->
+ *** Exec von Track 0 einlesen
+ move.w #CMD_READ,IO_COMMAND(a2)
+ move.l d6,IO_LENGTH(a2) ; ExecSize
+ move.l d5,IO_DATA(a2) ; ExecAdr
+ moveq.l #64,d0
+ lsl.l #4,d0 ; Gibt 1024
+ move.l d0,IO_OFFSET(a2)
+ movea.l a2,a1 ; IO-Request
+ tst.b d0 ; Error ?
+ bne.b .ReadError ; ja --->
+ *** Motor abschalten
+ move.w #TD_MOTOR,IO_COMMAND(a2)
+ clr.l IO_LENGTH(a2) ; Motor off
+ movea.l a2,a1 ; IO-Request
+ *** Test ob's unser Exec ist
+ movea.l d5,a0
+ tst.l (a0) ; Ist's unser Exec ?
+ bne.b .ReadError ; nein --->
+ cmpi.l #'CHW!',$c0(a0) ; Sicher ?
+ beq.b .ExecOK ; ja ---> Success
+.ReadError: moveq #0,d2 ; Error-Code: FAIL
+ bra.b 1$ ; --->
+.ExecOK: moveq #1,d2 ; Error-Code: SUCCESS
+1$: movea.l a2,a1
+ tst.l IO_DEVICE(a1)
+ bmi.b 2$
+ JSRLIB CloseDevice
+2$: move.l d2,d0 ; Set/Reset Z bit
+ rts
+ShowWarning: lea IntuiName(PC),a1
+ movea.l 4,a6
+ JSRLIB OldOpenLibrary
+ movea.l d0,a6
+ suba.l a0,a0 ; Window
+ lea body(PC),a1
+ lea ptext(PC),a2
+ lea ntext(PC),a3
+ moveq.l #0,d0 ; pflag
+ moveq.l #0,d1 ; nflag
+ move.w #530,d2 ; width
+ moveq.l #78,d3 ; height
+ JSRLIB AutoRequest
+ tst.l d0 ; Z == CANCEL ? 1:0
+ rts
+GfxName: dc.b "graphics.library",0
+IntuiName: dc.b "intuition.library",0
+TrackDiskName: dc.b "trackdisk.device",0
+InitRegs: dc.l ExecBSS ; D5 : Exec-Ladeadresse
+ dc.l EXECSIZE ; D6 : Exec-LadeGröße
+ dc.l $7fff ; D7 : Int/DMADisable-Maske
+ dc.l SUPERSTACK ; A4 : SuperStack
+ dc.l _custom ; A5 : Custom
+ProdMagic: dc.l 'PROD' ; Muss vor MyProduct stehen
+MyProduct: dc.l 0 ; Wird von DiskMaker eingesetzt
+body: dc.b 2,1,RP_JAM1,0
+ dc.w 14,8
+ dc.l 0,bodytext,body2
+body2: dc.b 2,1,RP_JAM1,0
+ dc.w 14,18
+ dc.l 0,body2text,body3
+body3: dc.b 2,1,RP_JAM1,0
+ dc.w 14,28
+ dc.l 0,body3text,0
+ptext: dc.b 2,1,RP_JAM2,0
+ dc.w 6,3
+ dc.l 0,ptexttext,0
+ntext: dc.b 2,1,RP_JAM2,0
+ dc.w 6,3
+ dc.l 0,ntexttext,0
+bodytext: dc.b "WARNING: This program will shut down the Amiga's",0
+body2text: dc.b "------- multi-tasking system. Finish all running",0
+body3text: dc.b " programs before selecting 'START GAME' !",0
+ptexttext: dc.b "START GAME",0
+ntexttext: dc.b "CANCEL",0
+MyIO: ds.b IOSTD_SIZE+32
+MyAttnFlags: ds.w 1
+MySysBplcon0: ds.w 1
+MyVBlankFreq: ds.w 1
+MyPort: ds.b MP_SIZE+32
+ExecBSS: ds.b EXECSIZE+32 ; Hierhin wird's geladen