path: root/Documentation/
diff options
authorChristian A. Weber <>1993-09-09 22:25:56 +0000
committerChristian A. Weber <>1993-09-09 22:25:56 +0000
commit90c4aa5bb8d8d41aafed357583f0feb6e626d093 (patch)
treef37ffe9c353b7179b98b0e7ba3917296898202a9 /Documentation/
parent21606bbd038432226e3aab163779b498eb2ff1fd (diff)
Initial revision
Diffstat (limited to 'Documentation/')
1 files changed, 677 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Documentation/ b/Documentation/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2710ef0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Documentation/
@@ -0,0 +1,677 @@
+@database "ifflib"
+@master "DH1:Programming/IFF-Library/Documentation/ifflib.doc"
+@Node Main "ifflib.doc"
+ @{" IFFL_CloseIFF() " Link "IFFL_CloseIFF()"}
+ @{" IFFL_CompressBlock() " Link "IFFL_CompressBlock()"}
+ @{" IFFL_DecodePic() " Link "IFFL_DecodePic()"}
+ @{" IFFL_DecompressBlock() " Link "IFFL_DecompressBlock()"}
+ @{" IFFL_FindChunk() " Link "IFFL_FindChunk()"}
+ @{" IFFL_GetBMHD() " Link "IFFL_GetBMHD()"}
+ @{" IFFL_GetColorTab() " Link "IFFL_GetColorTab()"}
+ @{" IFFL_GetViewModes() " Link "IFFL_GetViewModes()"}
+ @{" IFFL_IFFError() " Link "IFFL_IFFError()"}
+ @{" IFFL_ModifyFrame() " Link "IFFL_ModifyFrame()"}
+ @{" IFFL_OpenIFF() " Link "IFFL_OpenIFF()"}
+ @{" IFFL_PopChunk() " Link "IFFL_PopChunk()"}
+ @{" IFFL_PushChunk() " Link "IFFL_PushChunk()"}
+ @{" IFFL_SaveBitMap() " Link "IFFL_SaveBitMap()"}
+ @{" IFFL_SaveClip() " Link "IFFL_SaveClip()"}
+ @{" IFFL_WriteChunkBytes() " Link "IFFL_WriteChunkBytes()"}
+ @{" NewOpenIFF() " Link "NewOpenIFF()"}
+ @{" OpenIFF() " Link "OpenIFF()"}
+@Node "IFFL_CloseIFF()" "iff.library/IFFL_CloseIFF"
+@{b} NAME@{ub}
+ IFFL_CloseIFF -- Close an IFF file and deallocate buffers
+@{b} SYNOPSIS@{ub}
+ IFFL_CloseIFF( iff )
+ A1
+@{b} FUNCTION@{ub}
+ Returns the memory previously allocated by @{"IFFL_OpenIFF()" Link "IFFL_OpenIFF()"}.
+@{b} INPUTS@{ub}
+ iff - IFF file handle, from @{"IFFL_OpenIFF()" Link "IFFL_OpenIFF()"}
+@{b} RESULTS@{ub}
+ For now, always results TRUE (this may change in the future).
+@{b} SEE ALSO@{ub}
+ @{"IFFL_OpenIFF()" Link "IFFL_OpenIFF()"}
+@Node "IFFL_CompressBlock()" "iff.library/IFFL_CompressBlock"
+@{b} NAME@{ub}
+ IFFL_CompressBlock -- Compress a memory block
+@{b} SYNOPSIS@{ub}
+ result = IFFL_CompressBlock( source, destination, size, mode )
+ A0 A1 D0 D1
+ ULONG IFFL_CompressBlock( @{"APTR" Link "INCLUDE:exec/types.h/Main" 33}, @{"APTR" Link "INCLUDE:exec/types.h/Main" 33}, ULONG, ULONG )
+@{b} FUNCTION@{ub}
+ Compress the memory block using the appropriate compression mode.
+ If the compressed data would become longer than the uncompressed,
+ an error is returned.
+@{b} INPUTS@{ub}
+ source - Pointer to data to compress
+ destination - Target address for compression
+ size - Number of data bytes to compress
+ mode - Compression mode. Currently, the following modes
+ are supported:
+ IFFL_COMPR_NONE - Vanilla copy
+ IFFL_COMPR_FIBDELTA - Fibonacci Delta (8SVX BODY data)
+@{b} RESULTS@{ub}
+ Length of compressed data or 0 if an error occurred.
+ @{"IFFL_IFFError()" Link "IFFL_IFFError()"} returns IFFL_ERROR_BADCOMPRESSION if you ask for
+ an unsupported compression mode.
+@{b} BUGS@{ub}
+ In IFFL_COMPR_BYTERUN1, if the compressed data would become longer,
+ the buffer will be overwritten, and no error is returned. So be
+ sure to supply a destination buffer which is big enough!
+@{b} SEE ALSO@{ub}
+ @{"IFFL_DecompressBlock()" Link "IFFL_DecompressBlock()"}
+@Node "IFFL_DecodePic()" "iff.library/IFFL_DecodePic"
+@{b} NAME@{ub}
+ IFFL_DecodePic -- decode the BODY of an ILBM file into a @{"BitMap" Link "INCLUDE:graphics/gfx.h/Main" 45}
+@{b} SYNOPSIS@{ub}
+ success = IFFL_DecodePic( iff, bitmap )
+ D0 A1 A0
+ @{"BOOL" Link "INCLUDE:exec/types.h/Main" 68} IFFL_DecodePic( IFFL_HANDLE, struct @{"BitMap" Link "INCLUDE:graphics/gfx.h/Main" 45} * )
+@{b} FUNCTION@{ub}
+ Decodes and decompresses a picture into the user supplied @{"BitMap" Link "INCLUDE:graphics/gfx.h/Main" 45}.
+ If the picture is higher than your @{"BitMap" Link "INCLUDE:graphics/gfx.h/Main" 45}, it will be truncated.
+ If your @{"BitMap" Link "INCLUDE:graphics/gfx.h/Main" 45} is larger than the picture, the picture will be
+ drawn into the top left corner of your @{"BitMap" Link "INCLUDE:graphics/gfx.h/Main" 45}.
+ If the picture has less planes than the @{"BitMap" Link "INCLUDE:graphics/gfx.h/Main" 45}, the unused planes
+ are NOT touched by this routine, so you may wish to clear them
+ before calling IFFL_DecodePic(). If the picture has more planes
+ than your @{"BitMap" Link "INCLUDE:graphics/gfx.h/Main" 45}, the surplus planes of the picture are ignored.
+@{b} INPUTS@{ub}
+ iff - IFF file handle, from @{"IFFL_OpenIFF()" Link "IFFL_OpenIFF()"}
+ bitmap - Pointer to a properly initialized @{"BitMap" Link "INCLUDE:graphics/gfx.h/Main" 45} structure:
+ bm_Planes[] must point to valid BitPlanes,
+ bm_Depth contains the number of planes.
+ bm_Width and bm_Height must be set according to the
+ size of your bit planes.
+@{b} RESULTS@{ub}
+ Non-zero if successful, zero if error. Call @{"IFFL_IFFError()" Link "IFFL_IFFError()"} to
+ know the reason of the failure
+@{b} BUGS@{ub}
+ If the picture is wider than your @{"BitMap" Link "INCLUDE:graphics/gfx.h/Main" 45}, one line of innocent
+ memory will be overwritten at the end of each bitplane. You can
+ avoid this by allocating a few bytes more for each plane.
+ Normally, you allocate your @{"BitMap" Link "INCLUDE:graphics/gfx.h/Main" 45} after inspecting the BMHD
+ chunk, so this should not be a problem.
+@{b} NOTE@{ub}
+ This routine needs at least 650 bytes of stack space
+@{b} SEE ALSO@{ub}
+@Node "IFFL_DecompressBlock()" "iff.library/IFFL_DecompressBlock"
+@{b} NAME@{ub}
+ IFFL_DecompressBlock -- Decompress a memory block
+@{b} SYNOPSIS@{ub}
+ result = IFFL_DecompressBlock( source, destination, size, mode )
+ A0 A1 D0 D1
+ ULONG IFFL_DecompressBlock( @{"APTR" Link "INCLUDE:exec/types.h/Main" 33}, @{"APTR" Link "INCLUDE:exec/types.h/Main" 33}, ULONG, ULONG )
+@{b} FUNCTION@{ub}
+ Decompress the memory block using the appropriate Decompression mode.
+ If the Decompressed data would become longer than the unDecompressed,
+ an error is returned.
+@{b} INPUTS@{ub}
+ source - Pointer to data to decompress
+ destination - Target address for decompression
+ size - Number of _DECOMPRESSED_ data bytes
+ mode - Compression mode. Currently, the following modes
+ are supported:
+ IFFL_COMPR_NONE - Vanilla copy
+ IFFL_COMPR_FIBDELTA - Fibonacci Delta (8SVX BODY data)
+@{b} RESULTS@{ub}
+ Length of uncompressed data or 0 if an error occurred.
+ @{"IFFL_IFFError()" Link "IFFL_IFFError()"} returns IFFL_ERROR_BADCOMPRESSION if you ask for
+ an unsupported compression mode.
+@{b} SEE ALSO@{ub}
+ @{"IFFL_CompressBlock()" Link "IFFL_CompressBlock()"}
+@Node "IFFL_FindChunk()" "iff.library/IFFL_FindChunk"
+@{b} NAME@{ub}
+ IFFL_FindChunk -- find an IFF-chunk
+@{b} SYNOPSIS@{ub}
+ chunk = IFFL_FindChunk( iff, chunkname )
+ D0 A1 D0
+ @{"APTR" Link "INCLUDE:exec/types.h/Main" 33} IFFL_FindChunk( IFFL_HANDLE, ULONG )
+@{b} FUNCTION@{ub}
+ Find a specific chunk in an IFF file
+@{b} INPUTS@{ub}
+ iff - IFF file handle, from @{"IFFL_OpenIFF()" Link "IFFL_OpenIFF()"}
+ chunkname - 4 characters packed ASCII ('BODY', 'VHDR' ...)
+ if chunkname is 0, FindChunk() returns a pointer to the
+ first byte after the end of the current FORM. This can
+ be used by ANIM readers for jumping from FORM to FORM.
+@{b} RESULTS@{ub}
+ Pointer to the beginning of the chunk (that means to the chunk
+ name itself, followed by the chunk size); zero if chunk not found
+@{b} BUGS@{ub}
+ none known
+@{b} SEE ALSO@{ub}
+ @{"IFFL_GetBMHD()" Link "IFFL_GetBMHD()"}, @{"IFFL_GetColorTab()" Link "IFFL_GetColorTab()"}
+@Node "IFFL_GetBMHD()" "iff.library/IFFL_GetBMHD"
+@{b} NAME@{ub}
+ IFFL_GetBMHD -- find a @{"BitMapHeader" Link "INCLUDE:datatypes/pictureclass.h/Main" 94} of an IFF-file
+@{b} SYNOPSIS@{ub}
+ header = IFFL_GetBMHD( iff )
+ D0 A1
+ struct @{"BitMapHeader" Link "INCLUDE:datatypes/pictureclass.h/Main" 94} *IFFL_GetBMHD( IFFL_HANDLE )
+@{b} FUNCTION@{ub}
+ Returns a pointer to a BMHD (BitMapHeader) structure as defined
+ in iff.h and iff.i
+@{b} INPUTS@{ub}
+ iff - IFF file handle, from @{"IFFL_OpenIFF()" Link "IFFL_OpenIFF()"}
+@{b} RESULTS@{ub}
+ Pointer to the @{"BitMapHeader" Link "INCLUDE:datatypes/pictureclass.h/Main" 94}, or NULL if no BMHD chunk found
+@{b} SEE ALSO@{ub}
+ @{"IFFL_FindChunk()" Link "IFFL_FindChunk()"}, @{"IFFL_GetColorTab()" Link "IFFL_GetColorTab()"}
+@Node "IFFL_GetColorTab()" "iff.library/IFFL_GetColorTab"
+@{b} NAME@{ub}
+ IFFL_GetColorTab -- find a CMAP and convert it to a ColorTable
+@{b} SYNOPSIS@{ub}
+ count = IFFL_GetColorTab( iff, colortable )
+ D0 A1 A0
+ @{"LONG" Link "INCLUDE:exec/types.h/Main" 35} IFFFL_GetColorTab( IFF_HANDLE, UWORD * )
+@{b} FUNCTION@{ub}
+ Searches the CMAP chunk of an IFF file and converts it, if it's
+ there, to an Amiga color table structure. This colortable can
+ directly be used as a parameter for the @{"LoadRGB4()" Link "graphics/LoadRGB4()"} function.
+@{b} INPUTS@{ub}
+ iff - IFF file handle, from @{"IFFL_OpenIFF()" Link "IFFL_OpenIFF()"}
+ colortable - Pointer to a block of memory which must be large
+ enough to hold the colortable (2 bytes per color).
+ Must be WORD aligned.
+@{b} RESULT@{ub}
+ Number of colors actually found, or zero if the file has no
+ CMAP chunk
+@{b} SEE ALSO@{ub}
+ @{"IFFL_FindChunk()" Link "IFFL_FindChunk()"}, @{"IFFL_GetBMHD()" Link "IFFL_GetBMHD()"}
+@Node "IFFL_GetViewModes()" "iff.library/IFFL_GetViewModes"
+@{b} NAME@{ub}
+ IFFL_GetViewModes() -- Get Amiga-specific ViewModes
+@{b} SYNOPSIS@{ub}
+ viewmodes = IFFL_GetViewModes( iff )
+ D0 A1
+@{b} FUNCTION@{ub}
+ Searches the IFF file for a 'CAMG' chunk which holds the view modes
+ information. If there is no CAMG chunk, the view modes are calcu-
+ lated using the information in the @{"BitMapHeader" Link "INCLUDE:datatypes/pictureclass.h/Main" 94} structure.
+ You can directly put the low WORD of the result of a call to
+ IFFL_ GetViewModes() into the ns_ViewModes field of a @{"NewScreen" Link "INCLUDE:intuition/screens.h/Main" 476}
+ structure, or you can use the whole ULONG for the SA_DisplayID tag
+ under OS 2.x.
+@{b} INPUTS@{ub}
+ iff - IFF file handle, from @{"OpenIFF()" Link "OpenIFF()"}
+@{b} RESULT@{ub}
+ viewmodes - ULONG containing the view modes (HAM, LACE, HIRES ...)
+ All forbidden bits are masked out, as suggested by CBM.
+ Under Kickstart V1.3, only the lower WORD is used.
+@{b} BUGS@{ub}
+ If the IFF file has no CAMG chunk and 6 bitplanes, the HAM bit
+ will be set. This is not always correct since the picture could
+ be in the Extra Halfbrite mode. You can load such Halfbrite
+ pictures into DPaint III and save them again, DPaint will generate
+ the correct CAMG chunk.
+@{b} SEE ALSO@{ub}
+ @{"<graphics/displayinfo.h>" Link "INCLUDE:graphics/displayinfo.h/Main" 0}
+@Node "IFFL_IFFError()" "iff.library/IFFL_IFFError"
+@{b} NAME@{ub}
+ IFFL_IFFError -- Get detailed error descrpition after an error
+@{b} SYNOPSIS@{ub}
+ error = IFFL_IFFError()
+ D0
+ @{"LONG" Link "INCLUDE:exec/types.h/Main" 35} IFFL_IFFError( VOID )
+@{b} FUNCTION@{ub}
+ If one of the iff.library functions returns zero, you can call
+ IFFL_IFFError() to know the reason for the failure. An error
+ code is returned, please refer to the files 'iff.h' or 'iff.i'
+ for the complete list of errors.
+@{b} INPUTS@{ub}
+ none
+@{b} RESULT@{ub}
+ Error-number generated by the latest function call, or zero if
+ no error.
+@{b} BUGS@{ub}
+ If you don't close the IFF library at the end of your program
+ (using @{"CloseLibrary()" Link "exec/CloseLibrary()"}) the error node will not be freed. The
+ same task will then not be able to re-open the iff.library.
+ (This is not a bug, it's a feature ;-))
+@{b} SEE ALSO@{ub}
+ <iff.h>
+@Node "IFFL_ModifyFrame()" "iff.library/IFFL_ModifyFrame"
+@{b} NAME@{ub}
+ IFFL_ModifyFrame -- Modify an anim frame using a DLTA chunk
+@{b} SYNOPSIS@{ub}
+ success = IFFL_ModifyFrame( modifyform, bitmap )
+ D0 A1 A0
+ @{"BOOL" Link "INCLUDE:exec/types.h/Main" 68} IFFL_ModifyFrame( VOID *, struct @{"BitMap" Link "INCLUDE:graphics/gfx.h/Main" 45} * )
+@{b} FUNCTION@{ub}
+ Uses the DLTA chunk of the supplied FORM to modify the planes-data
+ of the bitmap. Usually, playback of ANIMs will require two buffers,
+ and double-buffering between them. So the data in the bitmap must
+ be two frames back, and the DLTA chunk is used to modify the hidden
+ frame to the next frame to be shown.
+@{b} INPUTS@{ub}
+ modifyform - pointer to the FORM containing the actual DLTA chunk
+ bitmap - Pointer to a properly initialized @{"BitMap" Link "INCLUDE:graphics/gfx.h/Main" 45} structure,
+ the planes must contain the image which was displayed
+ to frames back (using double-buffering)
+@{b} RESULT@{ub}
+ Non-zero if OK, 0 if error; call @{"IFFL_IFFError()" Link "IFFL_IFFError()"} to know the reason
+ of the failure
+ Currently, only compression type 5 (Byte Vertical Delta Mode) is
+ implemented. If you have animations which use modes 1 to 4, try
+ loading them with DPaint III and saving them again.
+ Sculpt-Animate ('J' type ANIM, Movie format) support will be
+ added soon.
+ I will implement some more compression types upon request.
+@{b} NOTE@{ub}
+ This routine needs at least 820 bytes of stack.
+ The size of the bitmap is not checked by this routine, the planes
+ must have at least the size described in the BMHD of the anim
+ file.
+@{b} SEE ALSO@{ub}
+ @{"IFFL_IFFError()" Link "IFFL_IFFError()"}
+@Node "IFFL_OpenIFF()" "iff.library/IFFL_OpenIFF"
+@{b} NAME@{ub}
+ IFFL_OpenIFF -- Open an IFF file for reading or writing
+@{b} SYNOPSIS@{ub}
+ iff = IFFL_OpenIFF( filename, mode )
+ D0 A0 D0
+@{b} FUNCTION@{ub}
+ If mode == IFFL_MODE_READ:
+ This function opens a file on a disk and looks whether it's an IFF
+ file or not. If it is an IFF file, memory is allocated and the file
+ is read into memory.
+ New for V22:
+ If xpkmaster.library is installed in your system, IFFL_OpenIFF()
+ will be able to read and decompress compressed IFF files, if they
+ use one of the xpk standard compression schemes.
+ If mode == IFFL_MODE_WRITE:
+ Initializes an IFF file handle for writing. You may create chunks
+ with @{"IFFL_PushChunk()" Link "IFFL_PushChunk()"} and @{"IFFL_PopChunk()" Link "IFFL_PopChunk()"}, and you can write data
+ using the @{"IFFL_WriteChunkBytes()" Link "IFFL_WriteChunkBytes()"} routine.
+@{b} INPUTS@{ub}
+ filename - Pointer to a null-terminated string
+ mode - IFFL_MODE_READ: Open file for reading
+ IFFL_MODE_WRITE: Open file for writing
+@{b} RESULT@{ub}
+ iff - IFF handle. Making assumptions about the internal structure
+ of this handle is unwise, and may break in the future.
+ If this function fails, NULL will be returned, and you may
+ call @{"IFFL_IFFError()" Link "IFFL_IFFError()"} to know the reason of the failure.
+@{b} SEE ALSO@{ub}
+ @{"IFFL_CloseIFF()" Link "IFFL_CloseIFF()"}, @{"IFFL_PushChunk()" Link "IFFL_PushChunk()"}, @{"IFFL_PopChunk()" Link "IFFL_PopChunk()"},
+ @{"IFFL_WriteChunkBytes()" Link "IFFL_WriteChunkBytes()"}, @{"IFFL_IFFError()" Link "IFFL_IFFError()"}
+@{b} BUGS@{ub}
+ None known
+@Node "IFFL_PopChunk()" "iff.library/IFFL_PopChunk"
+@{b} NAME@{ub}
+ IFFL_PopChunk -- Pop top context node off context stack.
+@{b} SYNOPSIS@{ub}
+ success = IFFL_PopChunk( iff )
+ D0 A0
+ @{"BOOL" Link "INCLUDE:exec/types.h/Main" 68} IFFL_PopChunk( IFFL_HANDLE )
+@{b} FUNCTION@{ub}
+ Pops top context chunk and updates the file accordingly.
+ The function is normally called only for writing files and signals
+ the end of a chunk.
+@{b} INPUTS@{ub}
+ iff - IFF handle
+@{b} RESULTS@{ub}
+ Non-zero if successful or 0 if not successful (call @{"IFFL_IFFError()" Link "IFFL_IFFError()"}
+ to get an IFFL_ERROR_... error code.
+@{b} SEE ALSO@{ub}
+ @{"IFFL_PushChunk()" Link "IFFL_PushChunk()"}, @{"IFFL_WriteChunkBytes()" Link "IFFL_WriteChunkBytes()"}
+@Node "IFFL_PushChunk()" "iff.library/IFFL_PushChunk"
+@{b} NAME@{ub}
+ IFFL_PushChunk -- Push a new context node on the context stack.
+@{b} SYNOPSIS@{ub}
+ success = IFFL_PushChunk( iff, type, id )
+ D0 A0 D0 D1
+ @{"BOOL" Link "INCLUDE:exec/types.h/Main" 68} IFFL_PushChunk( IFFL_HANDLE, ULONG, ULONG )
+@{b} FUNCTION@{ub}
+ Pushes a new context node on the context stack by reading it from the
+ stream if this is a read file, or by creating it from the passed
+ parameters if this is a write file. Normally this function is only
+ called in write mode, where the type and id codes specify the new
+ chunk to create. If this is a leaf chunk, i.e. a local chunk inside
+ a FORM or PROP chunk, then the type argument is ignored.
+@{b} INPUTS@{ub}
+ iff - IFF handle
+ type - chunk type specifier (ex. ILBM) (ignored for read mode or
+ leaf chunks).
+ id - chunk id specifier (ex. CMAP) (ignored for read mode).
+@{b} RESULTS@{ub}
+ Non-zero if successful or 0 if not successful (call @{"IFFL_IFFError()" Link "IFFL_IFFError()"}
+ to get an IFFL_ERROR_... error code.
+@{b} NOTE@{ub}
+ Currently, the level of nested FORMs is restricted to 7.
+@{b} SEE ALSO@{ub}
+ @{"IFFL_PopChunk()" Link "IFFL_PopChunk()"}, @{"IFFL_WriteChunkBytes()" Link "IFFL_WriteChunkBytes()"}
+@Node "IFFL_SaveBitMap()" "iff.library/IFFL_SaveBitMap"
+@{b} NAME@{ub}
+ IFFL_SaveBitMap -- save the planes of a @{"BitMap" Link "INCLUDE:graphics/gfx.h/Main" 45} as an IFF-file
+@{b} SYNOPSIS@{ub}
+ result = IFFL_SaveBitMap( filename, bitmap, colortable, flags )
+ D0 A0 A1 A2 D0
+ @{"BOOL" Link "INCLUDE:exec/types.h/Main" 68} IFFL_SaveBitMap(char *, struct @{"BitMap" Link "INCLUDE:graphics/gfx.h/Main" 45} *, UWORD *, ULONG )
+@{b} FUNCTION@{ub}
+ Save the planes of a @{"BitMap" Link "INCLUDE:graphics/gfx.h/Main" 45} as an IFF-file, optionally with a
+ colortable. The IFF file will contain the following chunks:
+ FORM - The IFF header, with the type ILBM
+ BMHD - The @{"BitMap" Link "INCLUDE:graphics/gfx.h/Main" 45} Header structre
+ CMAP - The color map, this chunk is omitted if colortable is zero
+ CAMG - The Amiga ViewModes word, contains the special ViewModes
+ information (HAM, LACE, HIRES ...)
+ BODY - The (crunched or uncompressed) picture
+@{b} INPUTS@{ub}
+ filename - Name of the IFF file to create
+ bitmap - Pointer to the @{"BitMap" Link "INCLUDE:graphics/gfx.h/Main" 45} holding your picture
+ colortable - Pointer to an Amiga ColorTable structure or zero
+ (if colortable = 0, no CMAP chunk will be generated).
+ flags - Bit 0: 1 = Use the "CmpByteRun1" compression algorythm,
+ 0 = Save the file uncompressed
+ Bit 7: 1 = This is a HAM (Hold and modify) picture
+ 0 = This is a normal or Extra-Halfbrite picture
+@{b} RESULT@{ub}
+ Non-zero if successful, 0 if an error occurred. You can then call
+ @{"IFFL_IFFError()" Link "IFFL_IFFError()"} to know more about the reason of the failure.
+@{b} NOTE@{ub}
+ Up to V19 this routine needs at least 650 bytes of stack space
+@{b} SEE ALSO@{ub}
+ @{"IFFL_SaveClip()" Link "IFFL_SaveClip()"}
+@Node "IFFL_SaveClip()" "iff.library/IFFL_SaveClip"
+@{b} NAME@{ub}
+ IFFL_SaveClip -- save a part of a @{"BitMap" Link "INCLUDE:graphics/gfx.h/Main" 45} as an IFF-file
+@{b} SYNOPSIS@{ub}
+ result = IFFL_SaveClip
+ D0 ( filename, bitmap, coltab, flags, xoff, yoff, width, height )
+ A0 A1 A2 D0 D1 D2 D3 D4
+@{b} FUNCTION@{ub}
+ Save a part of a @{"BitMap" Link "INCLUDE:graphics/gfx.h/Main" 45} as an IFF file
+@{b} INPUTS@{ub}
+ filename - Name of the IFF file to create
+ bitmap - Pointer to the @{"BitMap" Link "INCLUDE:graphics/gfx.h/Main" 45} holding your picture
+ colortable - Pointer to an Amiga ColorTable structure or zero
+ (if colortable = 0, no CMAP chunk will be generated).
+ flags - Bit 0: 1 = Use the "CmpByteRun1" compression algorythm,
+ 0 = Save the file uncompressed
+ Bit 7: 1 = This is a HAM (Hold and modify) picture
+ 0 = This is a normal or Extra-Halfbrite picture
+ xoff - X offset of the clip to be saved (bytes from the left)
+ yoff - Y offset of the clip to be saved (lines from the top)
+ width - width in bytes of the rectangle
+ height - height in lines of the rectangle
+@{b} RESULTS@{ub}
+ Non-zero if successful, 0 if an error occurred. You can then call
+ @{"IFFL_IFFError()" Link "IFFL_IFFError()"} to know more about the reason of the failure.
+@{b} NOTE@{ub}
+ Up to V19 this routine needs at least 650 bytes of stack space
+@{b} BUGS@{ub}
+ The width of the rectangle will be truncated to WORD boundaries,
+ because DPAINT wants it!
+@{b} SEE ALSO@{ub}
+ @{"IFFL_SaveBitMap()" Link "IFFL_SaveBitMap()"}
+@Node "IFFL_WriteChunkBytes()" "iff.library/IFFL_WriteChunkBytes"
+@{b} NAME@{ub}
+ IFFL_WriteChunkBytes -- Write data into the current chunk
+@{b} SYNOPSIS@{ub}
+ success = IFFL_WriteChunkBytes( iff, buf, size )
+ D0 A0 A1 D0
+ @{"LONG" Link "INCLUDE:exec/types.h/Main" 35} IFFL_WriteChunkBytes( IFFL_HANDLE, @{"APTR" Link "INCLUDE:exec/types.h/Main" 33}, @{"LONG" Link "INCLUDE:exec/types.h/Main" 35} )
+@{b} FUNCTION@{ub}
+ Writes "size" bytes from the specified buffer into the current chunk.
+@{b} INPUTS@{ub}
+ iff - IFF file handle, from @{"IFFL_OpenIFF()" Link "IFFL_OpenIFF()"}.
+ buf - pointer to buffer area with bytes to be written.
+ size - number of bytes to write.
+@{b} RESULT@{ub}
+ Non-NULL if the write was successful, or NULL if an error
+ occurred. Call @{"IFFL_IFFError()" Link "IFFL_IFFError()"} to know what's going on.
+@{b} SEE ALSO@{ub}
+ @{"IFFL_PushChunk()" Link "IFFL_PushChunk()"}, @{"IFFL_PopChunk()" Link "IFFL_PopChunk()"}, @{"IFFL_IFFError()" Link "IFFL_IFFError()"}
+@Node "NewOpenIFF()" "iff.library/NewOpenIFF"
+@{b} NAME@{ub}
+ NewOpenIFF -- allocate memory for an IFF-file and read it
+@{b} SYNOPSIS@{ub}
+ ifffile = NewOpenIFF( filename, memattr )
+ D0 A0 D0
+ IFFFILE OpenIFF( char * )
+@{b} FUNCTION@{ub}
+@{b} INPUTS@{ub}
+ filename - Pointer to a null-terminated string
+ memattr - Memory requirements as used for Exec's @{"AllocMem()" Link "exec/AllocMem()"},
+ such as MEMF_CHIP, MEMF_PUBLIC ...
+ (MEMF_CLEAR is not necessary)
+@{b} RESULT@{ub}
+ ifffile - 'FileHandle', points to the beginning of the IFF file
+ ("FORM...."), Zero if unsuccessful. Call IFFError() to get
+ the reason of the failure.
+@{b} SEE ALSO@{ub}
+ @{"IFFL_OpenIFF()" Link "IFFL_OpenIFF()"}, @{"IFFL_CloseIFF()" Link "IFFL_CloseIFF()"}, @{"IFFL_IFFError()" Link "IFFL_IFFError()"}
+@{b} BUGS@{ub}
+ None known
+@Node "OpenIFF()" "iff.library/OpenIFF"
+@{b} NAME@{ub}
+ OpenIFF -- allocate memory for an IFF-file and read it
+@{b} SYNOPSIS@{ub}
+ ifffile = OpenIFF( filename )
+ D0 A0
+ IFFFILE OpenIFF( char * )
+@{b} FUNCTION@{ub}
+@{b} INPUTS@{ub}
+ filename - Pointer to a null-terminated string
+@{b} RESULT@{ub}
+ ifffile - 'FileHandle', points to the beginning of the IFF file
+ ("FORM...."), 0 if unsuccessful. Call IFFError() to get the
+ reason of the failure.
+@{b} BUGS@{ub}
+ None
+@{b} SEE ALSO@{ub}
+ @{"IFFL_OpenIFF()" Link "IFFL_OpenIFF()"}, @{"IFFL_CloseIFF()" Link "IFFL_CloseIFF()"}, @{"IFFL_IFFError()" Link "IFFL_IFFError()"}