path: root/PPDecrunch.S
diff options
authorChristian A. Weber <>1992-04-16 23:00:42 +0000
committerChristian A. Weber <>1992-04-16 23:00:42 +0000
commit02a2dcac1a41872e1fec6d3b37ddd7ecae57eae4 (patch)
tree6c39deb2ce8713b42bad5917b870184ed1d73463 /PPDecrunch.S
parentab216e437899d244ad2ad43cdf2ad0b66b06ca42 (diff)
Initial revision
Diffstat (limited to 'PPDecrunch.S')
1 files changed, 151 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/PPDecrunch.S b/PPDecrunch.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f606593
--- /dev/null
+++ b/PPDecrunch.S
@@ -0,0 +1,151 @@
+** **
+** PPDecrunch - Eine Datei PowerPacker-decrunchen auf sich selber **
+** **
+** Parameter : A0.L : Adresse **
+** D0.L : Länge der gecrunchten Daten **
+** **
+** Resultat : nix **
+** **
+ IDNT PPDecrunch
+ INCLUDE "MyExec.i"
+ XDEF PPDecrunch
+PPDecrunch: movem.l d0-d7/a0-a5,-(SP)
+ lea Efficiency(PC),a5 ; A5: Pointer to efficiency
+ move.l a0,-(SP) ; Buffer für später
+ lea PP_SAVEMARGIN(a0),a3 ; A3: Destination
+ move.l a3,-(SP) ; Quelle für später
+ move.l (a0)+,-(SP) ; Decrunchte Grösse für später
+ move.l (a0)+,(a5) ; Efficiency eintragen
+ lea -8(a0,d0.l),a0 ; A0: Source-Ende
+ move.l a6,-(SP)
+ bsr.b Decrunch
+ movea.l (SP)+,a6
+ move.l (SP)+,d0 ; Decrunchte Grösse
+ movea.l (SP)+,a0 ; Quelle
+ movea.l (SP)+,a1 ; Ziel
+ jsr meb_CopyMem(a6) ; runterschieben
+ movem.l (SP)+,d0-d7/a0-a5
+ rts
+Efficiency: dc.l 0
+* *
+* PowerPacker Decrunch assembler subroutine V2.0 (reentrant !) *
+* *
+* call as: *
+* pp_DecrunchBuffer (endcrun, buffer, &efficiency, coloraddr); *
+* with: *
+* A0 endcrun : UBYTE * just after last byte of crunched file *
+* A3 buffer : UBYTE * to memory block to decrunch in *
+* A5 &efficiency: ptr to Longword defining efficiency of crunched file *
+* *
+* NOTE: *
+* Decrunch a few bytes higher (safety margin) than the crunched file *
+* to decrunch in the same memory space. (8 bytes suffice) *
+* *
+Decrunch: moveq #3,d6
+ moveq #7,d7
+ moveq #1,d5
+ move.l a3,a2 ; remember start of file
+ move.l -(a0),d1 ; get file length and empty bits
+ tst.b d1
+ beq.b NoEmptyBits
+ bsr.b ReadBit ; this will always get the next long (D5 = 1)
+ subq.b #1,d1
+ lsr.l d1,d5 ; get rid of empty bits
+ lsr.l #8,d1
+ add.l d1,a3 ; a3 = endfile
+ bsr.b ReadBit ; check if crunch or normal
+ bcs.b CrunchedBytes
+ moveq #0,d2
+ moveq #1,d0
+ bsr.b ReadD1
+ add.w d1,d2
+ cmp.w d6,d1
+ beq.b Read2BitsRow
+ moveq #7,d0
+ bsr.b ReadD1
+ move.b d1,-(a3)
+ dbf d2,ReadNormalByte
+ cmp.l a3,a2
+ bcs.b CrunchedBytes
+ rts
+ lsr.l #1,d5 ; this will set X if d5 becomes zero
+ beq.b GetNextLong
+ rts
+ move.l -(a0),d5
+ roxr.l #1,d5 ; X-bit set by lsr above
+ rts
+ subq.w #1,d0
+ moveq #0,d1
+ lsr.l #1,d5 ; this will set X if d5 becomes zero
+ beq.b GetNext
+ roxl.l #1,d1
+ dbf d0,ReadBits
+ rts
+ move.l -(a0),d5
+ roxr.l #1,d5 ; X-bit set by lsr above
+ bra.b RotX
+ moveq #1,d0
+ bsr.b ReadD1 ; read code
+ moveq #0,d0
+ move.b 0(a5,d1.w),d0 ; get number of bits of offset
+ move.w d1,d2 ; d2 = code = length-2
+ cmp.w d6,d2 ; if d2 = 3 check offset bit and read length
+ bne.b ReadOffset
+ bsr.b ReadBit ; read offset bit (long/short)
+ bcs.b LongBlockOffset
+ moveq #7,d0
+ bsr.b ReadD1sub
+ move.w d1,d3 ; d3 = offset
+ moveq #2,d0
+ bsr.b ReadD1
+ add.w d1,d2 ; d2 = length-1
+ cmp.w d7,d1 ; cmp with #7
+ beq.b Read3BitsRow
+ bra.b DecrunchBlock
+ bsr.b ReadD1sub ; read offset
+ move.w d1,d3 ; d3 = offset
+ addq.w #1,d2
+ move.b 0(a3,d3.w),-(a3)
+ dbf d2,DecrunchBlockLoop
+ cmp.l a3,a2
+ bcs LoopCheckCrunch
+ rts