path: root/ShowRequest.c
diff options
authorChristian A. Weber <>1993-11-02 18:53:33 +0000
committerChristian A. Weber <>1993-11-02 18:53:33 +0000
commit62e509e9c90d728c9f65145947276f79112ab48c (patch)
tree4c508e011be0c0bb386a7c4685c7c71c40611a82 /ShowRequest.c
Initial revision
Diffstat (limited to 'ShowRequest.c')
1 files changed, 293 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/ShowRequest.c b/ShowRequest.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a995a41
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ShowRequest.c
@@ -0,0 +1,293 @@
+** **
+** ShowRequest - Super-Requester unter dem Mauspfeil ausgeben **
+** **
+*+ Original version by René Straub 18-Jul-89 +*
+*+ +*
+*+ Modification History: +*
+*+ -------------------- +*
+*+ +*
+*+ 23-Jul-89 CHW Created this file (99% rewritten :-) +*
+*+ 08-Aug-89 CHW Zulange Textzeilen werden automatisch getrennt +*
+*+ 06-Oct-89 CHW ShowMonoReq() hier hereingenommen +*
+*+ 31-Oct-89 CHW ToUpper-Bug bei VANILLAKEY fixed +*
+*+ 04-Nov-89 CHW ToUpper-Bug bei VANILLAKEY really fixed, Amiga-v/b +*
+*+ 05-Nov-89 CHW No more gurus if word longer than 1 line +*
+*+ 18-Jul-90 CHW itext->Font is now set for IntuiTextLength() +*
+*+ 02-Nov-93 CHW Benutzt jetzt strlen statt StrLen (->Bobi) +*
+*+ +*
+** **
+** Parameter : A0.L : Zeiger auf Text, Linien durch \n getrennt **
+** A1.L : Zeiger auf PosText **
+** A2.L : Zeiger auf NegText **
+** D0.W : Bit 0: 1=Default PosText, 0=Default NegText **
+** Bit 15: 1=Text hat Schatten, 0=normal **
+** **
+** Resultat : D0.L :  0=NegText angewählt, 1=PosText angewählt **
+** **
+/* #define DEBUG */
+#include <proto/exec.h>
+#include <proto/intuition.h>
+#include <proto/graphics.h>
+#include <exec/memory.h>
+#include <intuition/intuition.h>
+#include <intuition/intuitionbase.h>
+#include <libraries/dosextens.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include "Bobi.h"
+extern struct IntuitionBase *IntuitionBase;
+#define reg register
+#define MAXTEXTLENGTH 160 /* Maximale Länge einer Textzeile */
+#define REQF_DEFAULT 1 /* Gadget unter dem Mauszeiger */
+#define REQF_SHADOW 0x8000 /* Text hat Schatten */
+struct MyIText
+ struct IntuiText ShadowIText;
+ struct IntuiText IText;
+static BYTE alerttext[] = {
+ 0, 24, 14,
+ 'N','o',' ','m','e','m',' ','f','o','r',' ','r','e','q','u','e','s','t','e','r',
+ 0, 0, 0
+static WORD PosBorderVecs[] = { 0,0, -1,0, -1,12, 0,12, 0,1 };
+static WORD NegBorderVecs[] = { 0,0, -1,0, -1,12, 0,12, 0,1 };
+static struct Border PosBorder = {
+ -3,-2,1,0,0,5,PosBorderVecs,NULL
+static struct Border NegBorder = {
+ -3,-2,1,0,0,5,NegBorderVecs,NULL
+static struct IntuiText PosIText = {
+static struct IntuiText NegIText = {
+static struct Gadget PosGadget = {
+static struct Gadget NegGadget = {
+LONG ShowRequest(char *text, char *postext, char *negtext, ULONG flags)
+ struct NewWindow nw;
+ struct Window *w,*prwindow;
+ struct Screen *s;
+ struct MyIText itext;
+ register struct MyIText *iptr=&itext;
+ UWORD poswidth,negwidth;
+ register LONG endflag=-1;
+ /* NewWindow-Struktur initialisieren */
+ ClearMem(&nw,sizeof(nw));
+ nw.Width=180;
+ nw.Height=4;
+ /* Zeiger auf Screen holen und nw entsprechend anpassen */
+ if (prwindow=(struct Window *)(((struct Process *)FindTask(0L))->pr_WindowPtr))
+ {
+ nw.DetailPen = prwindow->DetailPen;
+ nw.BlockPen = prwindow->BlockPen;
+ nw.Screen= s = prwindow->WScreen;
+ ScreenToFront(s);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ WBenchToFront();
+ nw.DetailPen = 0;
+ nw.BlockPen = 1;
+ nw.Screen = 0;
+ s = IntuitionBase->FirstScreen;
+ }
+ /* Gadgets und IntuiTexts initialisieren */
+ itext.IText.NextText = 0;
+ NegIText.ITextFont = s->Font;
+ PosIText.ITextFont = s->Font;
+ NegIText.IText = negtext;
+ PosIText.IText = postext;
+ NegGadget.Width = negwidth=IntuiTextLength(&NegIText)+4;
+ PosGadget.Width = poswidth=IntuiTextLength(&PosIText)+4;
+ NegBorderVecs[2] = NegBorderVecs[4] = negwidth+5;
+ PosBorderVecs[2] = PosBorderVecs[4] = poswidth+5;
+ NegGadget.Height = s->RastPort.TxHeight+2;
+ PosGadget.Height = s->RastPort.TxHeight+2;
+ NegBorderVecs[5] = NegBorderVecs[7] = NegGadget.Height+3;
+ PosBorderVecs[5] = PosBorderVecs[7] = PosGadget.Height+3;
+ PosBorder.FrontPen = PosIText.FrontPen = flags&REQF_DEFAULT ? 3:1;
+ NegBorder.FrontPen = NegIText.FrontPen = flags&REQF_DEFAULT ? 1:3;
+ NegGadget.LeftEdge = -negwidth-10;
+ NegGadget.TopEdge = PosGadget.TopEdge = -NegGadget.Height-4;
+ NegGadget.NextGadget = postext?&PosGadget:0; /* PosGadget ein/aus */
+ if(nw.Width < (negwidth+poswidth+18)) nw.Width=negwidth+poswidth+18;
+ do
+ {
+ register char *dptr;
+ register LONG ilen;
+ nw.Height += s->RastPort.TxHeight+2;
+ iptr->IText.NextText=AllocMem(sizeof(*iptr),MEMF_CLEAR);
+ if(!(iptr=(struct MyIText *)iptr->IText.NextText)) break;
+ iptr->ShadowIText.NextText = &(iptr->IText);
+ iptr->IText.LeftEdge = 8;
+ iptr->ShadowIText.LeftEdge = 10;
+ iptr->IText.TopEdge = nw.Height;
+ iptr->ShadowIText.TopEdge = nw.Height+1;
+ iptr->IText.FrontPen = 1;
+ iptr->ShadowIText.FrontPen = 2;
+ iptr->IText.IText=iptr->ShadowIText.IText=dptr=iptr->Text;
+ for(;;)
+ {
+ register ULONG olddptr=(ULONG)dptr,oldtext=(ULONG)text;
+ while((*dptr=*text) > ' ') { text++; dptr++; } *dptr=0;
+ if((ilen=TextLength(&s->RastPort,iptr->Text, strlen(iptr->Text)))
+ > (s->Width-20))
+ {
+ dptr=(char *)olddptr;
+ if(dptr!=iptr->Text) /* Falls nicht 1. Wort d.Zeile (überlang) */
+ {
+ *dptr=0; /* String vor nächstem Wort begrenzen */
+ text=(char *)oldtext-1; /* Source-Ptr zurückstellen */
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ if(*text != ' ') break;
+ *dptr++=*text++;
+ }
+ if(ilen > nw.Width) nw.Width=ilen;
+ if(!(flags & REQF_SHADOW)) iptr->ShadowIText.IText=0;
+ }
+ while(*text++);
+ nw.Height += (s->RastPort.TxHeight<<1)+14;
+ nw.Width += 16;
+ nw.LeftEdge = flags&REQF_DEFAULT?s->MouseX-24:s->MouseX-nw.Width+24;
+ nw.TopEdge = s->MouseY-nw.Height+12;
+ nw.FirstGadget = &NegGadget;
+ nw.Title = "Click to continue";
+ nw.Screen = s;
+ if(nw.Width > s->Width) nw.Width =s->Width;
+ if(nw.Height > s->Height) nw.Height=s->Height;
+ /* Randbegrenzungen abfragen */
+ {
+ register WORD maxx0=s->Width-nw.Width,maxy0=s->Height-nw.Height;
+ if(nw.LeftEdge<0) nw.LeftEdge = 0;
+ if(nw.TopEdge<0) nw.TopEdge = 0;
+ if(nw.LeftEdge>maxx0) nw.LeftEdge = maxx0;
+ if(nw.TopEdge>maxy0) nw.TopEdge = maxy0;
+ }
+ if(w=OpenWindow(&nw))
+ {
+ register struct IntuiMessage *msg;
+ register LONG code;
+ /* Pos/NegText raufsetzen, damit Taste geht wenn's Spaces davor hat */
+ if(postext) while(*postext <= ' ') postext++;
+ while(*negtext <= ' ') negtext++;
+ PrintIText(w->RPort,itext.IText.NextText,0,0);
+ do
+ {
+ WaitPort(w->UserPort);
+ msg = (struct IntuiMessage *)GetMsg(w->UserPort);
+ code = msg->Code;
+ switch(msg->Class)
+ {
+ code &= 0xDF; /* ToUpper */
+ if(msg->Qualifier & AMIGALEFT)
+ {
+ if(code=='V') endflag=TRUE;
+ if(code=='B') endflag=FALSE;
+ break;
+ }
+ if(!postext) { endflag=FALSE; break; }
+ if(code==13) { endflag=flags&REQF_DEFAULT; }
+ if(code==(*postext&0xDF)) endflag=TRUE;
+ if(code==(*negtext&0xDF)) endflag=FALSE;
+ break;
+ default: /* case GADGETUP: */
+ endflag = (msg->IAddress==(APTR)&PosGadget);
+ break;
+ }
+ ReplyMsg((struct Message *)msg);
+ }
+ while(endflag<0);
+ CloseWindow(w);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+#ifdef DEBUG
+ for(iptr=(struct MyIText *)itext.IText.NextText; iptr; iptr=(struct MyIText *)iptr->IText.NextText)
+ {
+ printf("'%s'\n",iptr->IText.IText);
+ }
+ printf("\nWindow: %ld/%ld %ld/%ld\n",nw.LeftEdge,nw.TopEdge,nw.Width,nw.Height);
+ DisplayAlert(0,alerttext,24);
+ endflag=FALSE;
+ }
+ for(iptr=(struct MyIText *)itext.IText.NextText; iptr;)
+ {
+ register struct MyIText *temp=iptr;
+ iptr = (struct MyIText *)iptr->IText.NextText;
+ FreeMem(temp,sizeof(*temp));
+ }
+ return endflag;
+void __regargs ShowMonoReq(char *text)
+ ShowRequest(text,0," OK ",REQF_SHADOW);