IFND LIBRARIES_IFF_I LIBRARIES_IFF_I SET 1 ** ** $Id: $ ** $Revision: $ ** ** $Filename: iff.i $ ** $Author: Christian A. Weber $ ** $Release: 19.1 $ ** $Date: 90/10/09 22:32:54 $ ** ** Standard header file for programs using iff.library ** ** COPYRIGHT (C) 1987-1992 BY CHRISTIAN A. WEBER, BRUGGERWEG 2, ** CH-8037 ZUERICH, SWITZERLAND. ** THIS FILE MAY BE FREELY DISTRIBUTED. USE AT YOUR OWN RISK. ** XREF _IFFBase IFFVERSION: EQU 19 ; Use this for the OpenLibrary() call IFF: MACRO movea.l _IFFBase,a6 jsr \1(a6) ENDM *************** LIBRARY OFFSETS ****************************************** _LVOOpenIFF: EQU -30 ; (filename) (A0) _LVOCloseIFF: EQU -36 ; (ifffile) (A1) _LVOFindChunk: EQU -42 ; (ifffile,chunkname) (A1,D0) _LVOGetBMHD: EQU -48 ; (ifffile) (A1) _LVOGetColorTab: EQU -54 ; (ifffile,colortable) (A1/A0) _LVODecodePic: EQU -60 ; (ifffile,bitmap) (A1/A0) _LVOSaveBitMap: EQU -66 ; (name,bmap,ctab,crmd) (A0-A2,D0) _LVOSaveClip: EQU -72 ; (name,bmap,ctab,crmd,x,y,w,h) (A0-A2,D0-D4) _LVOIFFError: EQU -78 ; () () _LVOGetViewModes: EQU -84 ; (ifffile) (A1) _LVONewOpenIFF: EQU -90 ; (filename,memtype) (A0,D0) _LVOModifyFrame: EQU -96 ; (modifyform,bitmap) (A1/A0) *************** ERROR CODES ********************************************** IFF_BADTASK: EQU -1 ; IffError() called by wrong task IFF_CANTOPENFILE: EQU 16 ; File not found IFF_READERROR: EQU 17 ; Error reading file IFF_NOMEM: EQU 18 ; Not enough memory IFF_NOTIFF: EQU 19 ; File is not an IFF file IFF_WRITEERROR: EQU 20 ; Error writing file IFF_NOILBM: EQU 24 ; IFF file is not of type ILBM IFF_NOBMHD: EQU 25 ; BMHD chunk not found IFF_NOBODY: EQU 26 ; BODY chunk not found IFF_TOOMANYPLANES: EQU 27 ; Obsolete since V18.6 IFF_UNKNOWNCOMPRESSION: EQU 28 ; Unknown compression type IFF_NOANHD: EQU 29 ; ANHD chunk not found (since V18.1) IFF_NODLTA: EQU 30 ; DLTA chunk not found (since V18.1) bmh_Width: EQU 0 ; struct BitMapHeader bmh_Height: EQU $2 bmh_XPos: EQU $4 bmh_YPos: EQU $6 bmh_nPlanes: EQU $8 bmh_Masking: EQU $9 bmh_Compression: EQU $A bmh_Pad1: EQU $B bmh_TranspCol: EQU $C bmh_XAspect: EQU $E bmh_YAspect: EQU $F bmh_PageWidth: EQU $10 bmh_PageHeight: EQU $12 bmh_SIZEOF: EQU $14 anh_Operation: EQU 0 ; struct AnimHeader anh_Mask: EQU $1 anh_W: EQU $2 anh_H: EQU $4 anh_X: EQU $6 anh_Y: EQU $8 anh_AbsTime: EQU $A anh_RelTime: EQU $E anh_Interleave: EQU $12 anh_pad0: EQU $13 anh_Bits: EQU $14 anh_pad: EQU $18 anh_SIZEOF: EQU $28 ENDC