TABLE OF CONTENTS MovieDecode/FreeJDecoder MovieDecode/InitJDecoder MovieDecode/ModifyJFrame MovieDecode/FreeJDecoder MovieDecode/FreeJDecoder NAME FreeJDecoder -- Free the player code for an animation SYNOPSIS FreeJDecoder(handle) D0 A0 VOID FreeJDecoder(APTR handle); FUNCTION Frees all resources which were allocated by InitJDecoder(). This is typically called once after playing an animation. INPUTS hande - result from InitJDecoder() ONLY! RESULT none BUGS SEE ALSO InitJDecoder() MovieDecode/InitJDecoder MovieDecode/InitJDecoder NAME InitJDecoder -- Initialize the player code for a given animation SYNOPSIS handle = InitJDecoder(animtype) D0 D0 APTR InitJDecoder(ULONG animtype); FUNCTION Initializes the movie player for a given animation type. This is typically called once after loading the animation. After playing, FreeJDecoder() should be called (with the handle this function returns) to free any resources allocated by this function. INPUTS animtype - Bits 0 to 7: Number of bitplanes (1..6) Bit 16: mode 0 = "Move" (loop), 1 = "EOR" (ping-pong) RESULT Non-zero if everything was OK, NULL if no memory or bad animtype. BUGS SEE ALSO FreeJDecoder() MovieDecode/ModifyJFrame MovieDecode/ModifyJFrame NAME ModifyJFrame -- Apply delta data on an animation frame SYNOPSIS success = ModifyJFrame( deltas, bitmap, handle ) D0 A0 A1 A2 BOOL ModifyJFrame( APTR, struct BitMap *, APTR ); FUNCTION Generates a new animation frame by changing the frame before the currently displayed frame (for double-buffering, as usual). INPUTS deltas - pointer to the actual DLTA chunk data bitmap - BitMap to render into handle - player handle, from InitJDecoder() RESULT Non-zero if everything was OK, FALSE if an error occurred. BUGS SEE ALSO InitJDecoder(), FreeJDecoder()