@database "ifflib_internal" @master "DH1:Programming/IFF-Library/Documentation/ifflib_internal.doc" @Node Main "ifflib_internal.doc" @{" CalcViewModes() " Link "CalcViewModes()"} @EndNode @Node "CalcViewModes()" "iff.library/CalcViewModes" @{b} NAME@{ub} CalcViewModes() -- Calculate Amiga-specific ViewModes from a BMHD @{b} SYNOPSIS@{ub} viewmodes = CalcViewModes( bmhd ) D0 A0 ULONG CalcViewModes( struct IFFL_BMHD ) @{b} FUNCTION@{ub} Tries to calculate the viewmodes for a CAMG chunk by looking at the bmh_Width, bmh_Height and bmh_Depth entries of a bmhd. This is not always satisfactory, but we're stuck with it. @{b} INPUTS@{ub} bmhd - @{"BitMapHeader" Link "INCLUDE:datatypes/pictureclass.h/Main" 94} describing the picture's dimensions @{b} RESULT@{ub} viewmodes - ULONG containing the view modes (LACE, HIRES) @{b} BUGS@{ub} Knows nothing about Monitor IDs or new @{"View" Link "INCLUDE:graphics/view.h/Main" 63} modes like SUPERHIRES or HAM8. You should not use this function in new code. @{b} SEE ALSO@{ub} IFFL_GetViewModes(), IFFL_SaveClip() @EndNode