/* ** Bobi - The Ultimate Amiga Bob Manipulator ** ** Get.c - Bob aus einem Bild ausschneiden ** ** COPYRIGHT (C) 1989-1993 BY CHRISTIAN A. WEBER, ZUERICH, SWITZERLAND. ** ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. NO PART OF THIS SOFTWARE MAY BE COPIED, REPRODUCED, ** OR TRANSMITTED IN ANY FORM OR BY ANY MEANS, WITHOUT THE PRIOR WRITTEN ** PERMISSION OF THE AUTHOR. NO WARRANTY. USE AT YOUR OWN RISK. */ #include #include #include #include #include "Bobi.h" #include "BobStructure.h" extern struct MyBob *BobTable[]; extern struct Screen *mainscreen,*picturescreen; extern struct Window *mainwindow,*toolwindow,*picturewindow; extern WORD numbobs,actbobnum; extern struct Gadget AutoSizeGadget; extern char LabelGadgetSIBuff[]; static int x0,x1,y0,y1; /**************************************************************************** ** Der Benutzer kann auf dem Picture-Screen ein Bob ausschneiden, ** die Koordinaten werden in x0/y0/x1/y1 gespeichert */ static BOOL CutBob(BOOL multiflag) { struct IntuiMessage *msg; BOOL looping=TRUE, okflag=FALSE; x0 = -1; /* Startwerte, gegen MultiCutNoMove-Bug */ x1 = picturewindow->MouseX; y1 = picturewindow->MouseY; DrawCross(picturescreen,x1,y1); ScreenToFront(picturescreen); ActivateWindow(picturewindow); ModifyIDCMP(picturewindow,MOUSEMOVE+MOUSEBUTTONS); do { WaitPort(picturewindow->UserPort); while(msg = (struct IntuiMessage *)GetMsg(picturewindow->UserPort)) { if(msg->Class == MOUSEBUTTONS) { switch(msg->Code) { case SELECTDOWN: x0 = x1; y0 = y1; DrawCross(picturescreen,x0,y0); break; case SELECTUP: okflag=TRUE; /* hier kein break! */ default: looping=FALSE; break; } break; } else /* Muss MOUSEMOVE sein */ { DrawCross(picturescreen,x1,y1); x1 = msg->MouseX; if(x1>=picturescreen->Width) x1=picturescreen->Width-1; y1 = msg->MouseY; if(x0>=0) { /* if((x1-x0) > MAXBOBWIDTH) x1=x0+MAXBOBWIDTH; if((x0-x1) > MAXBOBWIDTH) x1=x0-MAXBOBWIDTH; if((y1-y0) > MAXBOBHEIGHT) y1=y0+MAXBOBHEIGHT; if((y0-y1) > MAXBOBHEIGHT) y1=y0-MAXBOBHEIGHT; */ } DrawCross(picturescreen,x1,y1); } ReplyMsg((struct Message *)msg); } } while(looping); DrawCross(picturescreen,x1,y1); DrawCross(picturescreen,x0,y0); ModifyIDCMP(picturewindow,0); if(!multiflag) /* Falls nur 1 Bob zu cutten: mainscreen hervorbringen */ { ScreenToFront(mainscreen); ActivateWindow(toolwindow?toolwindow:mainwindow); } if(x0>x1) { WORD dummy=x0; x0=x1; x1=dummy; } if(y0>y1) { WORD dummy=y0; y0=y1; y1=dummy; } return okflag; } /**************************************************************************** ** Bob an der gewünschten Stelle des Bildes ausschneiden */ BOOL GetBob(int x,int y,int w,int h) { BOOL success = FALSE; if(picturescreen == NULL) return FALSE; /* Nix auszuschneiden! */ if(w<0) { x += w; w = -w; } if(h<0) { y += h; h = -h; } if(AutoSizeGadget.Flags & SELECTED) { int x1 = x+w-1, y1 = y+h-1; while((x0)) { int i; for(i=y; iRastPort,x,i)) goto xlgot; } x++; w--; } xlgot: while((y0)) { int i; for(i=x; iRastPort,i,y)) goto ylgot; } y++; h--; } ylgot: while(w>0) { int i; for(i=y; iRastPort,x1-1,i)) goto xhgot; } x1--; w--; } xhgot: while(h>0) { int i; for(i=x; iRastPort,i,y1-1)) goto yhgot; } y1--; h--; } yhgot: ; } /* if(autosize) */ if((w>0) && (h>0)) { struct BitMap *tmpmap; if(tmpmap=MakeBitMap(w,h,picturescreen->BitMap.Depth)) { struct MyBob *bob; BltBitMap(&(picturescreen->BitMap),x,y,tmpmap,0,0,w,h,0xc0,0xff,0); if(bob=BitMapToBob(BobTable[actbobnum],tmpmap,w)) { if(numbobsSourceLabel,LabelGadgetSIBuff,actbobnum); RefreshBobNum(); /* Prop-Gadget anpassen */ } BobTable[actbobnum] = bob; ShowBob(bob); success = TRUE; } else ShowMonoReq2("Too many bobs!"); } else ShowMonoReq2("Not enough memory for this bob"); MyFreeBitMap(tmpmap); } else ShowMonoReq2("Not enough memory for tmp BitMap"); } return success; } /**************************************************************************** ** Aus Bild ausschneiden und Bob generieren */ static BOOL GetOneBob(BOOL multiflag) { if(picturescreen) { if(CutBob(multiflag)) { return GetBob(x0,y0,x1-x0+1,y1-y0+1); } else /* CutBob()==0: mit rechter Maustaste abgebrochen */ { if(multiflag) { ScreenToFront(mainscreen); ActivateWindow(toolwindow?toolwindow:mainwindow); } else ShowMonoReq2("Operation cancelled"); } } else ShowMonoReq2("No picture loaded, use 'Load IFF'"); return FALSE; } /**************************************************************************** ** Ein Bob ausschneiden */ void GetBobFunc() { GetOneBob(FALSE); } /**************************************************************************** ** Mehrere Bobs ausschneiden */ void GetMultiFunc() { while(GetOneBob(TRUE)) actbobnum++; if(actbobnum>0) --actbobnum; RefreshBobNum(); }